alphabetty 659 too hard
I have played this level for several days. Doesn't give good letters. Once one side only had constants. Sometimes too many vowels or X or X or Q or multiples of them. How to get diagonal line going the right direction in middle of bottom row to knock out cheese 1? If get one have to use it as only way to make word.No longer fun! I am 78 years old and love this game.
The game only once gave me free stuff at bottom like the hammer.
Best Answer
a move stealer is a blue bubble with a number associated with it that indicates when that move stealer blows up
... level 659 has 4 move stealers that blow up in 10 moves(see image)
... when a move stealer blows up 2 moves are taken away
here is another image of a good starting board
... the blaster created by the word TRIBE will hit 2 rocks and the move stealer "G"
hi @oldlady33
hang in there ... this is a tough level ... you have already done 658 levels ... congrats on those
you may have to use the quit button often until you get a good starting board
when you get a decent board take your time and ponder each move
here are some ideas
- one approach:
- blast 2 rocks and a move stealer ... repeat for the other 2 rocks and the move stealer beneath them
- try to remove the rocks on the right hand side first
- when the rocks are gone ... try to position a diagonal blaster to hit plate #1
- get lucky and play a tile adjacent to plate #2 when blasting plate #1
- there may be enough moves even if 2 move stealers blow up
- plan B ... blast EVERYTHING
keep at it ... good luck
warning ... there is a one-star minimum score required to end the game after the plates are gone
... keep playing until you get at least 2510 points
0 - one approach:
What is a move stealer?
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a move stealer is a blue bubble with a number associated with it that indicates when that move stealer blows up
... level 659 has 4 move stealers that blow up in 10 moves(see image)
... when a move stealer blows up 2 moves are taken away
here is another image of a good starting board
... the blaster created by the word TRIBE will hit 2 rocks and the move stealer "G"
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Remember that AlphaBetty is the game of the month in June which means a lot a wordalicious fun is coming up. Stay tuned here:
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am doing an experiment with screenshots ...
level 659 has screenshots on my FB page
go to Abe Venti ... select photos ... select albums ... then select level 659
am hoping the screenshots are available to everyone
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