Level 669
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can see Abe Coffee the Alphabetty Expert Player have shown tips of how to pass this level without using boosters and extra moves. You can click here to see these tips that I hope you can pass this level. 👇😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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Hi @ddoig and welcome to our Community!
I moved your thread to the AlphaBetty pages. I'm sure @abe_coffee will help you out here!
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hi @ddoig
the following technique comes in handy when making long words:
"7-letter word and crown" approach
try to flood the board with crowns
while making crowns look for a 7-letter word first
take your time each turn while looking for a 7-letter word
the goal ... have a board with several crowns and one or two 8-way blasters
the blasting-crowns technique:
blasted crowns add to a word's length
most blasted crowns are returned to the board after getting credit for a ten letter word
crowns used as part of a ten letter word are consumed and not returned to the board
try to avoid using crowns as part of a ten letter word(until the last ten letter word)
examine each 8-way blaster ... count the number of crowns it will hit
an ideal play ... play an 8-way blaster that hits 3 crowns while making a 7-letter word(7+3 = 10)
you get credit for a ten letter word AND an 8-way blaster is created
not as ideal(but effective) ... use multiple blasters to hit enough crowns to make a ten letter word
it takes awhile to avoid using crowns as part of a word ... eventually it becomes automatic when looking to make a long word
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am doing an experiment with screenshots ...
level 669 has screenshots on my FB page
go to Abe Venti ... select photos ... select albums ... then select level 669
am hoping the screenshots are available to everyone
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@ddoig Heya! Welcome to the king community! I hope you have passed that level soon by taking the tips from the answers above. Happy playing.
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