How to pass level 585
hi @woodchuck
here are some ideas for level 585
- 4 plates ... in 11 moves(Nov 6 2018) ... 13 moves(May 9 2019) ... 14 moves(May 19 2020)
- this level could end in 2 moves
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- use barney to get 3 stars
- approach:
- try to get plate #1 on the first turn ... it will help the tiles flow from the top
- try to get the uppermost codex on the 2nd turn
- try to blast plates #3 & #4
- blasting codices will save moves ... and aggravation
- do NOT go after the rocks near plates #3 & #4 ... a tile does NOT replace either rock
- Frances adds ... Hit the first cheesy plate by playing the exclamator directly below the first cheesy plate
- 13160 will get 2 stars ... 13710 3 stars
1 -
ABS Level 585 🔶 Strategy, Video & Tips
1️⃣ Strategy ⬇️
- First Turn ---> Try to destroy the first Cheesy Plate (this will help the tiles flow from the top).
- Using the Exclamator directly below the Cheesy Plate is the best way. (Exclamators can only be used at the end of a word.)
- Second Turn ---> Try to get the uppermost Codex.
- A Codex opens/closes after every move & can't be used or blasted while closed.
- If played or blasted while it is open, a Codex is removed from the Board & replaced by an ordinary tile.
- Hammers can destroy a closed Codex.
- Then, aim for the second Cheesy Plate.
🔺 Don't waste moves trying to destroy the Stone Blocks near Cheesy Plates 3 & 4 because tiles don't replace them. 🔺
2️⃣ Video ⬇️
3️⃣ Tips ⬇️
🌟 Use Barney to get 3 Stars.
💡 Extra suggestion ---> Quit the Level if the 1st Cheesy Plate can't be hit on the first move.
2 - First Turn ---> Try to destroy the first Cheesy Plate (this will help the tiles flow from the top).
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