🐭 Hints and tips from an AlphaBetty pro player

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046
edited March 2021 in Support

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Hello again, smart mice!

We're back with some more interesting facts and tips about our Game of the Month: Alphabetty. And who better than our Game Expert @abe_coffee to tell us more about it?

First, some more facts about him:

 💫 Which is your favorite character in the game? 

None, but my favorite at King is @Crazy Cat Lad ... lol!

 💫 Do you have any tips for a New Bee in the game?

 1) Don’t waste your time playing a board that doesn’t give you a strong opening move 

 2) If you haven’t made significant progress in 3 or 4 moves, quit the game 

 3) Immediately quit any game in which a move stealer activates 

4) Remember: Whoever said “Winners never quit, quitters never win,” never played AlphaBetty 

5) Prioritize your targets (vines, stones, letters, bubbles, etc.). Each type of game has higher and lower priority targets 

 6) Create-move-deploy line blasters to support those priorities 

 7) Learn from your losses. If there’s a common thread, (i.e., not getting rid of stones you have to clear, not making the long words in a word list, etc.) consider your options and make changes 

 8) If you struggle with a level, play the mouse that gives you extra moves 

 9) If you struggle with a level and the mouse you’re playing gives only 1 extra move, consider upgrading it to 2 extra moves (go back and get 3 stars in all the levels that mouse covers) 

 10) To maximize your score in a game in which you have unneeded moves, consider the total point value of used versus unused moves 

(Gregg’s 10 rules for owning AlphaBetty)

 💫 Do you have a favorite hint?

Yes, I do! This is a helpful technique when playing word list levels: Make King Crowns to add bonus letters to a word. When making a King Crown (4-letter word) the crown will be added to a random tile. Best way to make really long words is to have letters with crowns on the tiles.

Thanks a lot, dear @abe_coffee !! I'm sure these tips will help our players solve the most difficult AlphaBetty challenges!

Now it's your turn, King Community members, to ask our Game Expert or to thank him for sharing his wisdom with us! Just comment below! 👇

And if you haven't done it yet, just head over to the Contest Area and take part in our AlphaBetty Word Challenge for a chance to win some shiny Gold Bars!!



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