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Level 885
Hello! I am blowing up level 885 EXCEPT for the 9 letter words. I have played for days and days - probably close to 100 times and I have only made 1 9 letter word. I’ve had words that are compromised of 5 or more blasters and no luck. What’s the trick?
thank you!
hi @carrotmh
the trick to making longer words is ... blast some crowns
do not go crazy looking for 9-letter words
look for 7-letter words ... and flood the board with crowns
why do that? ... blasted crowns add to a word's length ... and most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
why 7-letter words? ... to create 8-way blasters
one approach ... make a 7-letter word that has an 8-way blaster ... AND the blaster hits 2 crowns
avoid including crowns in the word(until the last word) ... crowns included in a word are consumed
example ... open in a new tab or a new window
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am doing an experiment with screenshots ...
level 885 has screenshots on my FB page
go to Abe Venti ... select photos ... select albums ... then select level 885
am hoping the screenshots are available to everyone
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Heya! I hope the above answers helped you beat level 885. Happy playing.
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