Level 245
hi @Maie
my first choice would be take extra move(s)
consider using Eskimouse ... it turns one bad letter into a blank tile
Eskimouse approach ... keep hitting quit until you start with a 7-letter word(the blank tile really helps)
contain the traps approach ... do not play the entangler until most of the traps are blasted
try to blast enough traps and magnets so that you can start making words in the corners
try to hit at least 3 or 4 bubbles each turn early in the game
save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated bubbles
approximate range ... 14640 will get 2 stars ... 15060 3 stars
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Heya! I hope this helps you 👇🏼
Ignore the first video.
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廾ⅰ @Maie, welcome to the Community!
🔸 Level 245 is a Bubble Pop Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Pop 78 Bubbles in 38 moves or less (in average, you have to pop 2 Bubbles each turn).
- This Level is identified in the Game as a Hard Level because there are quite a few isolated/hard to reach Bubbles & Mousetraps.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Use Eskimouse (Squeaky Sensei works too if you want the extra challenge).
- Early in the Level, go for long words to create Line Blasters.
- 7-letter words would be ideal as they generate eight-way Line Blasters that will help you pop isolated/hard to reach Bubbles.
- As you move through the Level, steadily work on making words in the corners of the Board.
- Leave destroying the Entangler for the last Moves when all the Mousetraps have been destroyed.
- Save your Crowns for late in the Level as you will need them to clear any leftover isolated/hard to reach Bubbles.
- If you have extra Moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸 The video below shows how to complete Level 245 of ABS. 🔸
❗️Both the goal & the number of Moves for this Level were changed from the original version of the Game (from having to pop 80 Bubbles to 78 & from 30 Moves to 38) so make sure that your Game is updated to its latest version.
- To check if you have the latest version of the Game, go to your App Store & see if the button shows 'Update'. If it does, click on it so your Game updates & you'll be all set.
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