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Please help 628
Level 2
Help on level 628. Stuck for weeks
hi @Rody_Preble
level 628 ...100 bubbles in 25 moves
if the move stealers are hard to read ... zoom chrome to 125% ... or try a magnifying glass
you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
some of the move stealers at the top blow up in 2 3 4 & 5 moves ... get these first
once the move stealers are gone try to hit 4 or 5 bubbles each turn
this level requires a lot of blasters ... blasters early in the game do the most damage
study each move carefully and keep an eye on the move stealers
take your time ... when you find a word continue to look for a better word
general approach ... phase #1 - get the upper move stealers ... phase #2 - blast the board
13360 will get 2 stars ... 14770 3 stars
maybe this image will help identify which move stealers to get first
open in a new tab or a new window
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Thank you, I will give it a try 🤞
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you are welcome ... feel free to ask questions ... good luck
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hi @Rody_Preble
did you beat 628 yet? ... if so congrats
if not ... here is a video that might give some inspiration
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Thank you for the video. I have not solved 628 yet and was ready to call defeated but
with this video I will continue to try.
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keep at it @Rody_Preble ... you have done 627 levels ... this one is doable but make take several more tries
this level is like 2 separate games
1) get the move stealers
2) get the bubbles
when you get a good board and remove most move stealers ... take your time and try to make blasters to hit the bubbles
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