Why aren’t boost given?

Level 1
why are no boost given. Earning them would also be fine.
Hi there Kathlyn and good day to you. Thank you for your question.
There should be a few type of boosters available for this game. Since I only started playing this game not long ago, I've searched from the web and it stated there are few free boosters such as shuffle, line blaster, hammer, king crown, extra moves etc. Some of these are given free for 3 units but thereafter, you need gold to buy.
During the game, there is a secret level that you can attempt to get free boosters. Secret level is entered from the Temple steps under Level 89 & 90 and facing the Golden Cheese Pyramid. If you have reached this point, you can attempt this Secret Level. Sometimes the Secret Level will award a free booster to the player who wins and obtains 3 Cheese Stars.
I'm not sure whether the above is helpful. Hopefully, the Game Expert, Abe_Coffee has answers for you.
Thank you and happy playing😊
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hi @kathlynd61
my knowledge of free boosters is limited ... I will tell you what I know
if you play on a mobile device you can win a free booster every day
... as mentioned by @wykoon - free boosters such as shuffle, line blaster, hammer, king crown
... start alphabetty between 12pm and 2pm local time ... spin the wheel and win ... make sure you wait for "accept" option
there are games from time to time where you can win gold bars ...
perhaps @Crazy Cat Lad (or anyone else) is aware of any gold bar giveaways now
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🔸 What I have come to learn is that King Games don't feature Booters uniformly and that you'll have Games like PRS where they are more than frequent & Games like ABS where they almost don't happen.
ℹ️ Here is some extra info on how to earn items to use in your ABS Game. ⬇️
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