How do you use lives?
Best Answers
hi @msfloflo
here is a good starting point for the basics ... it helps to review it once in awhile ... open in a new tab or a new window
the stars are simple ... score enough points to get 3 stars
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Abe_Coffee, thank you once again. Unfortunately I don’t have Facebook, but I’ll finish reading all the information you just sent me. There’s a lot to learn. Thank you for taking time to help me.
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keep asking questions
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I have a lot of questions, better make a pot of coffee, lol. Nothing more for now. I’m going to read though the notes you sent me. Thank you.
hi @msfloflo
if you are breezing through the levels you may not need to use lives
lives come in handy when you are playing a level that is difficult to beat
it pays on many levels to start out with a big word
if that does not happen right away hit the quit button and start over
one life is lost when starting over
for example ... level 512 is difficult when going for 3 stars
it may take over 100 lives to get a good start with a long word and big score(it took me over 300 tries)
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Thank you for your answer and help. I still have a lot to learn. I’ve been playing for a while, but still don’t understand how to use the boosters and other things on side bar. Don’t understand about stars either. Sometimes I get one star other times 2 or 3. I guess that’s another question for another time. I’ll research it. Thanks again,
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hi @msfloflo
here is a good starting point for the basics ... it helps to review it once in awhile ... open in a new tab or a new window
the stars are simple ... score enough points to get 3 stars
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Abe_Coffee, thank you once again. Unfortunately I don’t have Facebook, but I’ll finish reading all the information you just sent me. There’s a lot to learn. Thank you for taking time to help me.
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keep asking questions
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I have a lot of questions, better make a pot of coffee, lol. Nothing more for now. I’m going to read though the notes you sent me. Thank you.
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