How do I get past level 919

Level 1
Stuck on Level 919.
Best Answers
Welcome to our Community @Laurel_Clark 🤗
Let me tag our lovely Game Expert to help you out here
@abe_coffee, got any tips? 😊
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hi @Laurel_Clark ... thank you @QueenB
do not be intimidated by the long words
try to make 7-letter words ... you have been doing this a lot to get to level 919
general approach ... flood the board with crowns
... then blast the crowns with eight-way blasters that you create
why blast the crowns?
blasted crowns add to a word's length and most are returned to the board(in a new position)
crowns that are included in a word that meets the objective are consumed
below are 2 examples of 6-letter words where enough crowns were blasted to count as 12-letter words
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Welcome to our Community @Laurel_Clark 🤗
Let me tag our lovely Game Expert to help you out here
@abe_coffee, got any tips? 😊
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hi @Laurel_Clark ... thank you @QueenB
do not be intimidated by the long words
try to make 7-letter words ... you have been doing this a lot to get to level 919
general approach ... flood the board with crowns
... then blast the crowns with eight-way blasters that you create
why blast the crowns?
blasted crowns add to a word's length and most are returned to the board(in a new position)
crowns that are included in a word that meets the objective are consumed
below are 2 examples of 6-letter words where enough crowns were blasted to count as 12-letter words
open in a new tab or a new window
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Thank you so much for your advice!!! I will try it and see what happens!!!
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you are welcome ... good luck
added screenshots for 919 on FB ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window
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It worked!!! Thank you both so much for your great advice! At last I can put 919 behind me!!!! 😄
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