I passed level 821 but level and all above are locked. Why?

Level 1
I passed level 821 but level and all above are locked. Why?
hi @robbin1105
level 821 is in the middle of a chapter ... this sounds like a problem for @Crazy Cat Lad
you may be able help him with a little more info
what score did you get on 821?
did you try another device or another browser?
@Crazy Cat Lad is in Spain and is usually available on weekdays
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Hi @robbin1105 and welcome to our Community!
Could you post a screen shot of your game map so we can see the issue?
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ℹ️ The fact that you can't move forward past your last completed Level indicates that:
a. Your Game might have a blip/glitch.
- Try logging out of your Game & turn your device off for at least 2 minutes.
- If this doesn't work please go HERE to see other Players' comments & tips for this issue and comment with what device you use & what App you play through (for example, King or some other platform).
b. Your Game might not be updated.
- Make sure you update your Game to its latest version.
- You can manually check if you have the latest version by visiting your App Store & seeing if the button next to your Game App shows 'Update'. Here are the links you need to get more information on how to do this:
🔺Please note that updates for King Games sometimes occur on different days in the different App Stores.
🔸More info on moving past your last completed Level HERE.
3 - Try logging out of your Game & turn your device off for at least 2 minutes.
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