Does anyone else think that the ? levels in this game are ill designed?

Level 1
I'm able to easily clear most levels but I dread these. When I'm asked to find five words with twenty some moves without knowing the letters it's one thing but for necessary letters to not even be on the board makes it next to impossible but for chance. Yes, I know that clearing letters with the icon will "reveal" a letter or even change a letter into a necessary one but I find myself running through all my tries and that is just plain frustrating.
Best Answer
you are not alone
find-the-letters could use a different name at times ... hide-the-letters
I play with a group of over 50 players where 23 have finished all 920 levels ... most of those who have finished 920 levels refuse to play find-the-letters ... even for fun
scrolling can be one issue ... hiding the letters is the usual irritation
it appears the the design is as we see it ... a real pain ... the next tile is not always revealed when is crown is played
so what do we do????
it is time for payback ... using the blank tile feature
if you like to get big scores you can take advantage of blank gold tiles
if you do not care about big scores then DO NOT play a crown when completing a word ... the crown will create a blank gold tile that will not help when making a word
if you do not care about big scores ... just try to complete the level and move on
for those who like big scores ... create many blank gold tiles and play them when making a word ... they can be attached to an acceptable word ... each gold tile doubles the point total for a word
summary ... 2 choices ... 1) take your lumps and try to pass the level ... 2) get a big score and brag
here is an example for using blank gold tiles ... open in a new tab or a new window ...
you are not alone
find-the-letters could use a different name at times ... hide-the-letters
I play with a group of over 50 players where 23 have finished all 920 levels ... most of those who have finished 920 levels refuse to play find-the-letters ... even for fun
scrolling can be one issue ... hiding the letters is the usual irritation
it appears the the design is as we see it ... a real pain ... the next tile is not always revealed when is crown is played
so what do we do????
it is time for payback ... using the blank tile feature
if you like to get big scores you can take advantage of blank gold tiles
if you do not care about big scores then DO NOT play a crown when completing a word ... the crown will create a blank gold tile that will not help when making a word
if you do not care about big scores ... just try to complete the level and move on
for those who like big scores ... create many blank gold tiles and play them when making a word ... they can be attached to an acceptable word ... each gold tile doubles the point total for a word
summary ... 2 choices ... 1) take your lumps and try to pass the level ... 2) get a big score and brag
here is an example for using blank gold tiles ... open in a new tab or a new window ...
6 -
a couple of thoughts for find-the-letters levels
consider using Mystery Mouse to add one or two crowns at the start of the game
when letters are shown for the mystery word ... consider the quit button if more than one letter for the first word is not on the starting board ... otherwise the first word can use up most of the moves
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