I keep getting error message
hi dear welcome to our community
please read all information here 👇
hope this helps
have fun
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- Millions of Game messages (such as requesting/sending Lives) are being sent every day across King Games all around the world. Some of these may get stuck in the system & arrive with a delay, not reach certain devices or platforms or not arrive at all. It’s always worth to resend the request/Life, hopefully the Lives will get through eventually & reach your Game.
- Facebook recently made a change to its platform & this means that you might experience issues when sending or receiving Lives. King is aware of this issue & is working to fix it as quickly as possible.
- Facebook now requires Client/App Access Tokens.
---> Luckily, Lives will automatically reload so you can continue playing the game even though the messages from friends don't reach you. 🙌
🔺 If you have your Game connected through Facebook, make sure that it has access to your Facebook Friends List since this permission will automatically expire from time to time. If the Game doesn't have such access all Lives will remain blocked.
- Check HERE for more help on this.
🔺 Also, make sure that your Game is updated to the latest version if you play on a mobile device. 🔺
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