Level 51
Best Answer
Hi @RakaLong!
- To pass Level 51, you have to pop 53 Bubbles in 15 moves or less (in average, you have to pop 3.5 bubbles each turn).
- Make 5+ letter words to make blasters almost every play & 6+ letter words on most moves.
- Fire the blasters to clear as many blockers & bubbles at once.
- Near the end of the Level, you might have to play some 4-letter words (even if there are longer words) to get crowns to help you pop the last few bubbles which are usually in hard to reach places.
- Best is to make a Crown while playing a bubble & a Crown so you pop 2 Bubbles & setup to make the next one.
- If you have extra moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random tiles will become line blasters that will be automatically activated.
Hi @RakaLong!
- To pass Level 51, you have to pop 53 Bubbles in 15 moves or less (in average, you have to pop 3.5 bubbles each turn).
- Make 5+ letter words to make blasters almost every play & 6+ letter words on most moves.
- Fire the blasters to clear as many blockers & bubbles at once.
- Near the end of the Level, you might have to play some 4-letter words (even if there are longer words) to get crowns to help you pop the last few bubbles which are usually in hard to reach places.
- Best is to make a Crown while playing a bubble & a Crown so you pop 2 Bubbles & setup to make the next one.
- If you have extra moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random tiles will become line blasters that will be automatically activated.
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