Keep running out of moves Level 75
Best Answer
Hi @RakaLong, welcome to the Community!
🔺Your moves are going down because of Move Stealers.
- If not used before the end of the countdown shown in the bottom right of it, two moves are lost.
- Behave like a normal tile & falls with the other tiles.
- To destroy a Move Stealer, use it in a word or target it with a Line Blaster.
ℹ️ Level 75 is a Bubble Pop Level. To pass it, you must pop 57 Bubbles in 21 moves or less (in average, you have to pop 2.7 Bubbles each turn).
🔸 TIPS 🔸
- Destroy Moves Stealers early to avoid losing moves.
- Play Move Stealers in words or hit them with line blasters.
- Try to make longer words to create Line Blasters while dealing with the Moves Stealers.
- Continue to create Line Blasters to destroy as many Bubbles as possible.
- Use Cleobettra to get an extra move if you want to go for a higher score and/or 3 Stars.
- If you have extra moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸The video below shows how to complete Level 75 of ABS. 🔸
Hi @RakaLong, welcome to the Community!
🔺Your moves are going down because of Move Stealers.
- If not used before the end of the countdown shown in the bottom right of it, two moves are lost.
- Behave like a normal tile & falls with the other tiles.
- To destroy a Move Stealer, use it in a word or target it with a Line Blaster.
ℹ️ Level 75 is a Bubble Pop Level. To pass it, you must pop 57 Bubbles in 21 moves or less (in average, you have to pop 2.7 Bubbles each turn).
🔸 TIPS 🔸
- Destroy Moves Stealers early to avoid losing moves.
- Play Move Stealers in words or hit them with line blasters.
- Try to make longer words to create Line Blasters while dealing with the Moves Stealers.
- Continue to create Line Blasters to destroy as many Bubbles as possible.
- Use Cleobettra to get an extra move if you want to go for a higher score and/or 3 Stars.
- If you have extra moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸The video below shows how to complete Level 75 of ABS. 🔸
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