Level 97
Best Answer
hi @Usha19
level 97 looks hard ... there are 56 tiles ... but you need to spread cheese to only 38 tiles
how do we start?
1) spend a few turns making 4-letter words that include 3 or 4 entanglers
2) clear many entanglers that are adjacent to the first tile where the cheese starts
3) once many entanglers are gone then start spreading cheese
have fun removing entanglers ... and remember you only need to spread cheese to 38 tiles
hi @Usha19
level 97 looks hard ... there are 56 tiles ... but you need to spread cheese to only 38 tiles
how do we start?
1) spend a few turns making 4-letter words that include 3 or 4 entanglers
2) clear many entanglers that are adjacent to the first tile where the cheese starts
3) once many entanglers are gone then start spreading cheese
have fun removing entanglers ... and remember you only need to spread cheese to 38 tiles
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