Level 82
![[Deleted User]](https://us.v-cdn.net/6030983/uploads/defaultavatar/n07508I8RNHB9.jpg)

廾ⅰ ya'll!
- I'm on a quest to complete all Levels in ABS with 3 Stars but I can't seem to get past 2 Stars (or above 17,755 Points) on Level 82 (using Mummy Mouse I get higher scores than with Mystery Mouse but still not enough for 3 Stars). 😕 Any tips?
- Also, I did some reading around the Forum & saw that quite a few Players reported a glitch on the scoring system for this Level (see Here, Here, Here, Here & Here) but the comments are from a few years back so I don't really know if there was indeed a glitch and/or if it has been fixed. 🤔
Any & all info will be appreciated. Thanks!
Cc. @abe_coffee & @Lynette
Best Answers
hi @frenioz00
👑 level 82 ... 8 words in 16 moves 👑
🍮 one approach ... create crowns when playing entanglers(play entanglers right away) 🍮
💡 artifacts 💡
... 💡 if you have completed up to level 365 use barney to start with 3 or 5 gold tiles 💡
... 💡 otherwise avoid playing any gold tiles until you can play multiple gold tiles in a word 💡
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 18720 will get 2 stars ... 19200 3 stars 👑
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general notes for level 82
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
8 words ... in 15 moves ... 16 moves(May 22 2020)
gather some crowns the first few moves while using entanglers
search for a 6-letter word each turn while breaking entanglers ... that is, a 6-letter word that helps meet the objective
take your time when looking for a 6-letter word ... when successful, play that blaster to hit entanglers and traps
play multiple gold tiles in a word to bolster the score
try to finish with unused moves to bolster the score
ideal start ... clear many entanglers in the 3 center columns the first 3 moves while creating crowns
Herb says ... You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!
18720 will get 2 stars ... 19200 3 stars
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
hi @frenioz00
👑 level 82 ... 8 words in 16 moves 👑
🍮 one approach ... create crowns when playing entanglers(play entanglers right away) 🍮
💡 artifacts 💡
... 💡 if you have completed up to level 365 use barney to start with 3 or 5 gold tiles 💡
... 💡 otherwise avoid playing any gold tiles until you can play multiple gold tiles in a word 💡
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 18720 will get 2 stars ... 19200 3 stars 👑
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general notes for level 82
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
8 words ... in 15 moves ... 16 moves(May 22 2020)
gather some crowns the first few moves while using entanglers
search for a 6-letter word each turn while breaking entanglers ... that is, a 6-letter word that helps meet the objective
take your time when looking for a 6-letter word ... when successful, play that blaster to hit entanglers and traps
play multiple gold tiles in a word to bolster the score
try to finish with unused moves to bolster the score
ideal start ... clear many entanglers in the 3 center columns the first 3 moves while creating crowns
Herb says ... You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!
18720 will get 2 stars ... 19200 3 stars
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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Thanks @abe_coffee, you rock! 🙌 I just got my 3 Stars, yay!
It took me a few more tries but as soon as I was able to put recommendations in play my score started going up.
ℹ️ In my case, the main trick was to create an "ideal start" as you said above by clearing as many Entanglers in the 3 center columns within the first 3 moves while creating Crowns. Using multiples gold tiles in one word as you suggested -mainly in the 6-letter words- also helped boost my score quite a bit.
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