How do I play level 472?
hi @Gigee
👑 level 472 ... 4 plates in 29 moves 👑
as with many cheesy plate levels ... try to use blasters to hit the plates
🍮 one approach 🍮
... 🍮 clear many of the rocks 🍮
... 🍮 create a 4 way diagonal blaster 🍮
... 🍮 position the 4-way blaster aimed at all 4 plates(see image below) 🍮
🍮 another approach 🍮
... 🍮 clear many of the rocks 🍮
... 🍮 create four blasters ... one for each plate 🍮
💡 if you like screenshots ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window 💡
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 20910 2 stars ... 22759 3 stars 👑
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廾ⅰ @Gigee, welcome to the Community!
🔸 Level 472 is a Cheesy Plate Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Collect 4 Cheesy Plates in 18 moves or less (you have 14 turns without having to make a required word).
- The Cheesy Plates are numbered & must be played (blasted) in order. However, you may play multiple plates in the same move (e.g., 1-2, or 3-4-5) as long as you play the next number.
- This Level is quite tricky mainly because the Cheesy Plates are outside the main Board & can't be removed by making matches next to them.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Use Traditional Betty.
- Ideal Approach ---> Create a 4-way diagonal Line Blaster in the center of the Board that can hit all 4 Cheesy Plates at once.
- Secondary approach ↓↓↓
- Concentrate on breaking the Rocks (specially the ones on the center of the Board) as early in the Level as you can.
- Half way into the Level, concentrate on creating 4 Line Blasters (you'll need one to destroy each Cheesy Plate).
- If you have extra Moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸 The video below shows how to complete Level 472 of ABS. 🔸
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Yep! I think this game is still fun! 😄
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