Alphabetty level 680

Level 1
Can anyone help with ideas. I've been stuck for ages!
Best Answer
廾ⅰ @cydonianmuse, welcome to the Community!
🔸 Level 680 is a Cheesy Plate Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Remove 8 plates in 40 moves or less.
- Take you time with this Level as it can be quite tricky & don't rush to make words.
- The high amount of consonants in the Board add difficulty to this Level.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Use Traditional Betty (it will destroy the Crown Magnet on the bottom row).
- Start from the bottom right side of the Board & try to make a 6-letter word within the first two moves so as to create a 4-way Line Blaster (this will help you target the Cheesy Plates later on).
- Use the Exclamators within the first moves so as to remove them & open up the Board.
- Create as many Line Blasters as possible (preferably vertical 2-way) & use them following the sequence of the Cheesy Plates you need to destroy.
- Aim to create long words all throughout the Level (5 & 6-letter words are ideal).
- Destroying the Cheesy Plates one by one is probably the "safest" way to go about this Level.
- Destroying more than one Plate at a time, however, will help you "save" moves for destroying the Cheesy Plates that are harder to reach.
- If you have extra Moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🍮 level 680 will test your patience 🍮
👑 8 plates in 40 moves 👑
💡 artifact ... take extra move(s) 💡
🍮 one way to start ... keep hitting quit until a blaster is created on the first move aimed at plate #1 🍮
🍮 general approach ... create and play one blaster for each plate ... in sequence 🍮
... 🍮 for example ... after plate #1 is removed ... try to create a blaster to hit plate #2 🍮
... 🍮 play the new blaster to remove plate #2 🍮
... 🍮 repeat this for each plate in sequence 🍮
🍮 note ... it is okay to make blasters out of sequence ... be sure to avoid playing the out of sequence blasters until that blaster is next in the sequence 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
🍮 there is an example on facebook ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window 🍮
🍮 the example for 680 is in the third row 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 14230 will get 2 stars ... 17000 3 stars 👑
2 -
廾ⅰ @cydonianmuse, welcome to the Community!
🔸 Level 680 is a Cheesy Plate Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Remove 8 plates in 40 moves or less.
- Take you time with this Level as it can be quite tricky & don't rush to make words.
- The high amount of consonants in the Board add difficulty to this Level.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Use Traditional Betty (it will destroy the Crown Magnet on the bottom row).
- Start from the bottom right side of the Board & try to make a 6-letter word within the first two moves so as to create a 4-way Line Blaster (this will help you target the Cheesy Plates later on).
- Use the Exclamators within the first moves so as to remove them & open up the Board.
- Create as many Line Blasters as possible (preferably vertical 2-way) & use them following the sequence of the Cheesy Plates you need to destroy.
- Aim to create long words all throughout the Level (5 & 6-letter words are ideal).
- Destroying the Cheesy Plates one by one is probably the "safest" way to go about this Level.
- Destroying more than one Plate at a time, however, will help you "save" moves for destroying the Cheesy Plates that are harder to reach.
- If you have extra Moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
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