Level 98 Alpha betty
Best Answers
hi @Usha19
👑 level 98 ... spread 42 cheese in 28 moves 👑
💡 artifact ... take extra move(s) 💡
🍮 one approach ... remove some entanglers before trying to spread cheese 🍮
🍮 the entangler on a tile must be removed before cheese can spread to that tile 🍮
🍮 try to create crowns when playing entanglers by making 4-letter words 🍮
🍮 the first four moves ... make one word in each section ... do not attempt to spread cheese 🍮
🍮 start spreading cheese on the fifth move 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
🍮 why make crowns? ... when a crown is played cheese can be spread to one tile 🍮
🍮 save some crowns for the last few moves to spread cheese to any isolated tiles 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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ℹ️ This video might also help. ⬇️
hi @Usha19
👑 level 98 ... spread 42 cheese in 28 moves 👑
💡 artifact ... take extra move(s) 💡
🍮 one approach ... remove some entanglers before trying to spread cheese 🍮
🍮 the entangler on a tile must be removed before cheese can spread to that tile 🍮
🍮 try to create crowns when playing entanglers by making 4-letter words 🍮
🍮 the first four moves ... make one word in each section ... do not attempt to spread cheese 🍮
🍮 start spreading cheese on the fifth move 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
🍮 why make crowns? ... when a crown is played cheese can be spread to one tile 🍮
🍮 save some crowns for the last few moves to spread cheese to any isolated tiles 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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ℹ️ This video might also help. ⬇️
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