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Level 101
hi @Usha19
👑 level 101 ... 11 words in 20 moves 👑
🍮 one approach ... flood the board with crowns ... blast crowns to achieve the 8-letter word 🍮
💡 artifact .. take extra move(s)💡
🍮 what is the big deal with crowns? 🍮
🍮 crowns included in a word add to a word's length 🍮
🍮 blasted crowns add to a word's length 🍮
🍮 most blasted crowns are returned to the board 🍮
🍮 once blasting crowns is mastered word lists become fun 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮 sequence of moves for level 101
🍮 first 3 moves ... make 4-letter words with the move stealers 🍮
🍮 that leaves 5 moves to make crowns with entanglers 🍮
🍮 try to make blasters while flooding the board with crowns 🍮
🍮 ultimate goal ... play a blaster that hits enough crowns to count as an an 8-letter word 🍮
🍮 for example ... a 5-letter word with a blaster that hits 3 crowns counts as an 8-letter word 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
🍮 if you like to study ... level 712 has more techniques for getting longer words 🍮
🍮 open "examples"(below) in a new tab or a new window ... level 712 can be found in the top row today(it will drop down as new levels are added to the facebook page) 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range 19550 will get 2 stars ... 21810 3 stars 👑
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