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Level 108
hi @Usha19
congrats on getting to level 108
👑 level 108 ... drop 7 chunks in 29 moves 👑
🍮 approach ... do not let any move stealers(blue bubbles) blow up 🍮
💡 artifact ... take extra move(s)💡
🍮 2 moves are lost for each move stealer that blows up 🍮
🍮 the move stealers blow up in 4 and 5 moves ... consider the quit button if any of the move stealers blow up 🍮
🍮 there are 2 entanglers below each chunk ... play entanglers in a word to remove them 🍮
🍮 ideal blaster ... a vertical blaster located above or below a chunk 🍮
🍮 when an ideal blaster is not found ... make a 4-letter word to create a crown 🍮
💡why make a crown?💡
💡when a crown is played a tile directly below a chunk is removed💡
💡crown behavior is random ... you never know which chunk loses a tile💡
💡play a crown when a trap is directly below a chunk ... the trap might be removed 💡
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
🍮 general approach ... play move stealers followed by entanglers below the chunks 🍮
... 🍮 try to make ideal vertical blasters ... create and play crowns 🍮
... 🍮 save some crowns for the last few moves to get any unplayable tiles below the chunks 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 12630 will get 2 stars ... 13590 3 stars 👑
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