Please help! How do you win cheesy plates?
hi @brondaisy
👑 level 557 ... blast 3 plates in 20 moves 👑
🍮 the 3 word answer is "blast the plates" 🍮
🍮 this is not an easy level ... it may take several tries 🍮
💡 artifacts ... use Eskimouse if it is fully empowered💡
... 💡with Eskimouse one uncommon tile is replaced with a blank tile💡
... 💡this increases the odds for getting a blaster on the first move💡
💡 other artifact ... take extra move(s) if Eskimouse is not fully empowered💡
🍮 take your time each move ... you may miss a blaster if you play too fast 🍮
🍮 general approach ... blast the plates in sequence 🍮
🍮 it is possible to create a blaster to hit plates #1 & #2 at the same time 🍮
🍮 it is possible to create a blaster to hit plates #2 & #3 at the same time 🍮
🍮 "blast the plates" 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 14030 will get 2 stars ... 16577 3 stars 👑
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Well that's all very well but to blast the plates you need the blaster to be in the right position. When I use the shuffle button it never repositions it to be of any use ...
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you are correct ... the shuffle button rarely puts a blaster in the right position
that is one reason why this level will take several tries
💡 one other approach to consider ... look to make a blaster that is aimed at plate #1 on the first move 💡
... 💡if the blaster is not found start over 💡
I hope you have plenty of lives
take your time
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hi @brondaisy
💡 you may want to consider one other approach ... using barney to get 3 stars 💡
🍮 why would we do that? ... I had a lot of success winning with Eskimouse but was only able to beat 14000 one time 🍮
🍮 using barney will take a few more tries but it will be worth it if you strive for 3 stars on each level 🍮
👑 if you like screenshots ... there is an example of level 557 on facebook ... open "examples"(below) in a new tab or a new window 👑
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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