Level 110
Best Answer
hi @Usha19
๐ level 110 ... spread 40 cheese in 32 moves ๐ย
๐กit sounds like you are getting close ... you may need a few more crowns at the end of the game ๐ก
๐ฎย some other things to consider:ย ย ๐ฎย
๐ฎ for best results ... spread cheese on the first two moves ... once on the leftmost cheese and once on the rightmost cheese ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ consider the quit button if cheese cannot be spread right away ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ the move stealers blow up in 5 moves ... consider the quit button if one or both move stealers blow up ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ if a blaster is not found ... then try to make 4-letter words that include entanglers ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ once the move stealers are gone and most entanglers are gone then try to spread cheese each move ๐ฎย
๐ฎ save some crowns for the last few moves to spread cheese to any isolated tiles ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ when you play a crown cheese can spread ... or ... a trap may be hit ๐ฎย
๐ฎย ๐ฎ ๐ฎย ๐ฎย
hi @Usha19
๐ level 110 ... spread 40 cheese in 32 moves ๐ย
๐กit sounds like you are getting close ... you may need a few more crowns at the end of the game ๐ก
๐ฎย some other things to consider:ย ย ๐ฎย
๐ฎ for best results ... spread cheese on the first two moves ... once on the leftmost cheese and once on the rightmost cheese ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ consider the quit button if cheese cannot be spread right away ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ the move stealers blow up in 5 moves ... consider the quit button if one or both move stealers blow up ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ if a blaster is not found ... then try to make 4-letter words that include entanglers ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ once the move stealers are gone and most entanglers are gone then try to spread cheese each move ๐ฎย
๐ฎ save some crowns for the last few moves to spread cheese to any isolated tiles ๐ฎย ย
๐ฎ when you play a crown cheese can spread ... or ... a trap may be hit ๐ฎย
๐ฎย ๐ฎ ๐ฎย ๐ฎย
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