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Level 116
hi @Usha19
👑 level 116 ... spread 37 cheese in 33 moves 👑
💡examine the board before making any moves💡
... 💡the move stealer(blue bubble) blows up in 6 moves💡
... 💡cheese can not be spread to tiles with entanglers 💡
... 💡play entanglers in the upper rows the first few moves without trying to spread cheese💡
... 💡try to avoid making 3-letter words early in the game 💡
🍮 approach ... there are 2 ways to spread cheese to the lower rows 🍮
... 🍮 spread every cheese in the top 5 rows, then play a crown 🍮
... 🍮 make a blaster that is cheesed and can hit the lower rows ... then play the blaster 🍮
... 🍮 cheese is spread to the first tile a cheesed blaster hits ... if that tile has no entangler 🍮
💡 blast a trap whenever possible💡
💡 save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles💡
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 22440 will get 2 stars ... 25575 3 stars 👑
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