I just joined! How do I play? I don't see a way to access game.
How do I access game to play?
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Opps! This website (King Community) has only Support, Discussion, Contests and other activities.
If you want to play any King's Game(Games) on any devices :
Type of phone's Version (such as Android, iOS, Kindle and Windows Phone) : You can search 'King' then you click on any King's Game (Games) to show 'Saga' by King then you download it/them on Google Play Store (Android / Kindle / Windows Phone Version) / App Store (iOS Version). Or check this page here (The King game family: 17 king-tastic chances to have lots of fun) better! 😉
Computer Version (such as Facebook, Windows 10 (download to play) and King Online Game) : You can't download any King's Game(Games) on computer. But you can search 'Saga' by King then you click on any King's Game(Games) on Facebook only. Or you can also search what's King game plus Saga Game on Google Search, then it shows 'Online' to play it now but it's available some King's Games only. (Here is my example as below 👇)
So can you got to play it/them? I hope you can play it/them! 😉
Enjoy your happy playing! 😊
You can also check to learn guides around King Community and Join Contests to chance to win gold bars on my below signature here. 👇
And if you have more questions, please tag me (@Diamond Lim) and I’ll be happy to help. 😉
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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Hello there @Sugalfan and lovely day to you.
Once you have downloaded the game/app into your device, please remember to log in/save the game either via Facebook of via email (i.e. the email that you use in signing up with King's site) to ensure that your progress is saved.
Do let us know if need help with other issues in the game.
Thank and happy gaming 🙂
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Thank you for this information!
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You are welcome and Welcome to Sweet King Community! ❤️😊
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I'm confused!? Do I have to keep posting in order to advance levels in the ABS game?!
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hy have you messed this up
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this is stupid i have been playing this game for years
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so why have you messed it up
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why do you keep changing things
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