Level 478

Level 1
How to solve level 478
Best Answer
hi @woodenegg53
👑 level 478 ... 15 words in 20 moves 👑
🍮 let's look at approaches with different artifacts 🍮
🍮 extra moves ... if fully empowered you get 2 extra moves 🍮
🍮 eskimouse ... if fully empowered an uncommon tile is replaced with a blank tile 🍮
🍮 mysterty mouse ... if fully empowered 2 crowns appear on the board at the start 🍮
🍮 a crown awarded by the daily spin will supply 3 crowns to the starting board 🍮
🍮 this level will take a few tries ... if you keep getting close with an artifact stick with that artifact for several tries 🍮
💡general approach create 5 crowns over the course of the game ... then blast crowns to make longer words 💡
💡crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND are returned to the board 💡
🍮 if you like screenshots ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window 🍮
🍮 scroll down to the 9th row on the albums page to find level 478(as time passes it will drop down as new levels are added above) 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 20185 will get 2 stars ... 22160 3 stars 👑
hi @woodenegg53
👑 level 478 ... 15 words in 20 moves 👑
🍮 let's look at approaches with different artifacts 🍮
🍮 extra moves ... if fully empowered you get 2 extra moves 🍮
🍮 eskimouse ... if fully empowered an uncommon tile is replaced with a blank tile 🍮
🍮 mysterty mouse ... if fully empowered 2 crowns appear on the board at the start 🍮
🍮 a crown awarded by the daily spin will supply 3 crowns to the starting board 🍮
🍮 this level will take a few tries ... if you keep getting close with an artifact stick with that artifact for several tries 🍮
💡general approach create 5 crowns over the course of the game ... then blast crowns to make longer words 💡
💡crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND are returned to the board 💡
🍮 if you like screenshots ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window 🍮
🍮 scroll down to the 9th row on the albums page to find level 478(as time passes it will drop down as new levels are added above) 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
👑 approximate range ... 20185 will get 2 stars ... 22160 3 stars 👑
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