Can't load the game

Level 1
I have been playing this game for a long time and all of a sudden it will not load. I get the name up the top as usual but a white screen.
@typicalsue Hi and welcome, As of the 15 th of December Alphabetty saga is no longer available on PC and can only be played on mobile devices
Thank you
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Hi @typicalsue, welcome to the Community!
ℹ️ Alphabetty Saga is no longer available on (there is no technical issues) as the Flash Player version of the Game has been taken down recently.
🔻 There are options for you to keep your Game progress & continue playing the Game. 🔻
- On a mobile device ---> Download the App from your device's App Store. When opening the Game connect it to your account on the Start Menu by tapping the blue 'Connect' button followed by 'Log in with email'. Finally, enter your email & password, log in and all your Levels and Gold Bars will be synced to the Game on your mobile device. The game is available on both iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android devices & Amazon Kindle tablets.
- On a computer ---> Continue the Game on Facebook by syncing your account with your Facebook. Open the Game on your Facebook Account HERE so it gets activated on your Facebook first. Then log in to your account on Go to Settings, Account, type your password once more. Click on 'Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook', click on the two arrows & log in to your Facebook in the new window that pops up. All your Games will then be synced between & Facebook.
- More info on this matter ---> HERE
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Hello there @typicalsue and good day to you.
Understood that you've been playing the game for a very long time and the game won't load.
First thing is to check whether your app is of the latest version. If not, please update the app from the app store. After that, please refresh your app by restarting your device.
Please also select the device you're playing with regard to the game not loading as it may be caused by device compatibility.
Kindly let us know if you need help with other issues in the game.
Thank you 😊
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