Level Help 186-200 Parmesan Pagodas
- find 2 mystery words ... in 17 moves ... 13 moves(May 11 2019) ... 11 moves(May 22 2020)
- betty is offering a freebie ... play MAZE to get the first word
- another freebie ... WATER is the next word ... but all of the tiles are not presently on the board
- the 'W' is not on the board ... make a crown or two
- play a crown and the 'W' will usually appear on the board ... if the 'W' is unplayable play another crown
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 1760 will get 2 stars ... 1920 3 stars
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- find 1 mystery word ... in 16 moves ... 12 moves(May 11 2019) ... 10 moves(May 22 2020)
- play tiles(like we usually do) to make a word that betty accepts
- normally, it is best to create crowns on the first few turns
- for this level, however, go ahead and get a blaster on the first move, if possible
- if after a few moves it appears that the mystery word is CHEESE ... but there is no 'C' on the board
- there are 2 options at this point
- keep playing until a 'C' appears on the board(not the best idea)
- play a crown and a 'C' will usually appear as a gold tile ... if the 'C' is unplayable then play another crown
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 1240 will get 2 stars ... 1300 3 stars
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- find 2 mystery words ... in 17 moves
- 3 mystery words ... in 12 moves(May 11 2019) ... 13 moves(May 22 2020)
- betty often hides at least one letter that is needed for the mystery word
- play the tiles that are available on the board before playing crowns
- if a letter for the mystery word is not on the board ... or is unplayable ... play a crown and hope to get a playable tile
- when you play a crown ... follow the path of the crown to a gold tile
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 6600 will get 2 stars ... 7440 3 stars
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- sequence:
- betty will show ? ? ? ? ? as a new mystery word
- play tiles(like we usually do) to make a word that betty accepts
- the tiles you play will populate the ? ? ? ? ? ... when they are present in the mystery word
- for example ... DATE ... the ? will be replaced by the letters 'd a t e' that are included in the mystery word
- continue until the mystery word is complete(all green)
- repeat this for the 2 mystery words for this level
- Eugene noticed this: ... if the letter you need isn't on the board - play a word with a crown and watch where the crown goes. It will turn a tile into a letter the mystery word needs (and I think it turns it gold too - it seemed to for me)
- Jussa noticed this: ... the game does not stop at MAZE and WATER ... if you re-play that level for the third time, you will get a challenging board (possibly with Move Stealers) ... a single Mystery Level will get progressively more difficult the more times you play that level
- entanglers prevent that tile from being accepted in the mystery word
- blasters may hit letters that are accepted for the mystery word
- 2 mystery words ... in 11 moves(May 11 2019) ... 10 moves(May 22 2020)
- 5980 will get 2 stars ... 6130 3 stars
0 - sequence:
- sequence:
- betty will show ? ? ? ? ? as a new mystery word ... this level has the letters LARGE
- play tiles(like we usually do) to make a word that betty accepts
- the tiles you play will populate the ? ? ? ? ? ... when they are present in the mystery word
- for example ... DATE ... the ? will be replaced by the letters 'd a t e' that are included in the mystery word
- continue until the mystery word is complete(all green)
- repeat this for the second mystery word
- Eugene noticed this: ... if the letter you need isn't on the board - play a word with a crown and watch where the crown goes. It will turn a tile into a letter the mystery word needs (and I think it turns it gold too - it seemed to for me)
- Jussa noticed this: ... the game does not stop at MAZE and WATER ... if you re-play that level for the third time, you will get a challenging board (possibly with Move Stealers) ... a single Mystery Level will get progressively more difficult the more times you play that level
- entanglers prevent that tile from being accepted in the mystery word
- blasters may hit letters that are accepted for the mystery word
- 2 mystery words ... in 8 moves ... 10 moves(May 22 2020)
- 7250 will get 2 stars ... 7530 3 stars
0 - sequence:
- 3 mystery words ... in 12 moves ... 15 moves(May 11 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to hit rocks when creating crowns
- take extra time on the first move ... look for a blaster
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 7780 will get 2 stars ... 8980 3 stars
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- 10 long words ... in 26 moves ... 31 moves(May 11 2019) ... 34 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the traps can be annoying ... you might want to remove one or two traps with an artifact
- an early blaster can make things a bit easier here
- move stealers blow up in 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... try to get these 2 at a time, if possible
- try to create crowns whenever you cannot make long words
- there is a potential for making
1624 crowns - try to use the crowns for the 7 and 8-letter words
- try to make crowns when getting rid of the move stealers and codices
- ... unless of course, you can make a 6 7 or 8 letter word
- when you get to the last word ... keep making crowns, if necessary
- from Herb's hints ... you play the game with blasters ... you win the game with crowns
- crowns that are blasted will lengthen a word ... AND most are returned to the board
- crowns anyone ?
- 3 stars approaches ... use barney ... or ... finish with 13 or more unused moves
- 26290 will get 2 stars ... 29599 3 stars
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- 9 chunks in 28 moves ... 34 moves(May 11 2019) ... 36 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- the move stealers blow up in 5 & 12 moves
- start by breaking the column of 6 rocks ... this will give more letters to make blasters
- try to blast the 4 rightmost rocks
- a vertical blaster will drop a chunk when there are no entanglers, traps, and rocks in the way
- save crowns for the last chunk to crack rocks and get isolated tiles that lie below that chunk
- 14100 will get 2 stars ... 16522 3 stars
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- 68 bubbles ... in 30 moves ... 32 moves(May 11 2011) ... 34 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- you can win with short words
- approach to this level - get the move stealers early ... explosions start at 10 12 13 14 15 & 18 moves
- then go after the rocks at the bottom
- try to play blasters that will take out a trap
- the traps tend to hang out at the bottom rows
- 14000 will get 2 stars ... 14360 3 stars
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- 66 bubbles in 30 moves(Jan 4 2018) ... 27 moves(May 11 2019)
- artifact ... consider Cleobettra ... for extra move(s)
- pound the rocks in the lower corners
- get the codices(books) sitting on the rocks
- take what the board gives you early ... 4 letter words work well
- pound the rocks in the lower corners
- pound the rocks in the lower corners
- use crowns at the end to get the isolated bubbles
- 16310 will get 2 stars ... 17640 3 stars
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