Why won’t my game open
hi @heslin9
let me be psychic for a minute
are you playing alphabetty? are you playing on a PC?
if the answer to both is yes ... alphabetty is no longer available on PCs but is still available on mobile devices
🍮 🍮
if you are not playing alphabetty then please post your problem in the proper forum
🍮 🍮
if alphabetty is not working on a mobile device then we can tag @Crazy Cat Lad ... he is available from Spain on weekdays
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Is Alpha Betty Saga coming back to Facebook Gaming?
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hi @Michael922
welcome to the community
sorry, at this time it appears that there are no plans to bring Alpha Betty Saga back to Facebook Gaming
however, ABS is still available on mobile devices(phones and tablets)
🍮 🍮
the announcement was made in November 2020
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Hi @Michael922 and welcome to our Community!
AlphaBetty Saga won't get back to Facebook or Facebook Gameroom.
It will stay as a mobile game only, please check all details and info in the link @abe_coffee posted above.
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