How do I return to exactly the same place in my game?
hi @TLGJ
welcome to the community
please do not try anything until someone can evaluate your account
it would help if you can provide some information:
1) device
2) login with facebook? ... or login with
3) game ID
@Crazy Cat Lad is available most weekdays from Spain ... he may have more questions
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Oh No! Have you lost your current level on Alphabetty Saga? 😢
Don't worry! You can check to read and follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem. (This solve discussion by Community Team.) (Any Device) 😉
So click here to read to follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem that I hope this helps and you can back to your current level on this game! 😉
You can also check to join and answer on general contest that you can chance to win gold bars on this game. 😉
⭐️ Win Gold Bars here! ⭐️ Find the differences!
Have a mice day! 🐁
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