Unnecessary reshuffles cause me to lose lives
I am frequently getting reshuffles in Alphabetty even though none are needed. The first reshuffle might be needed but then words are clearly there to spell but it reshuffles again and again until it gives up and I lose a life. Also, the blank tile not working is STILL an issue in the games where you have to find the letters to spell a word. This has been an issue for at least two years and it is unbelievably still not fixed. People have previously mentioned it in these forums. Just because you aren't currently creating new levels, doesn't mean you can't fix the bugs in the ones that already exist. Ridiculous!
hi @Charly-4
welcome back to the community
you are correct ... the autoshuffle and the blank gold tiles have issues
I agree with you ... it would be nice if these were fixed
unfortunately, over a year ago it was decided to leave things as is
but ... maybe we can get @Crazy Cat Lad to plead our case to king ... you never know - maybe they will reconsider the decision
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