What happened to the AlphaBetty Booster Wheel? (FIXED)
Is there an update on the wheel booster?
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I asked for an update on July 3 and haven't heard anything back...
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hi @roxyi29 and @gameday27001
I requested an update today ... am hoping for a reply before the weekend
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here is some info on the booster wheel:
"The info I have on the Booster wheel is that they were working on to put it back and it will take some time since it's rather complicated and managed by another team now than it was implemented by originally."
🍮 🍮
conclusion ... they are still working on it ... but it may take awhile
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Thank you for the update @abe_coffee
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Thanks abe _ coffee
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What happen to the wheel booster. Haven’t been getting it for over two weeks
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hi @rmbmvbmj
welcome to the community
the booster wheel has not worked since early June
the studio is working on it
you can track the status here in this thread
🍮 🍮
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Hi @abe_coffee,
I just tried the booster status link you posted and got "Discussion not found. The page you were looking for could not be found."
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thank you for reporting the bad link ... we are already in the thread right now
the bad link has been removed(it happened when this thread was pinned)
🍮 🍮
the status has not changed ... we are waiting patiently for a fix
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