Same as another
I too am not by any means a newbie. But in order to get any answers I had to create another account this is bull !! If I can do that what’s the issues with the older accounts ?
also Why do we lose our log on I don’t see the point counting days we don’t always sit everyday at the same time to play I’m well over the ending point still waiting for new games to appear I think I’ve doubled the amount in fact in more than 3 years waiting there use to be daily spins I don’t mind the ad thing to get a extract 5 moves but I would like a hammer or decider block killer. Ok I’ve ranted
changes needed please why do we need counting days and when is changes happening too
Hello, my name is quinn and i am new here, i love the king games
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Ello, ihave never been to a nicer game platform than this one
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Ello i love the king games
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King is the best
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No better king thana playing king
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