Why did I lose my game progress?
I was on level 669 Alphabetty playing on iPad and had already found two 10-letter words after about three days, but when I opened the game `again on June 30 the game progress was gone. I am always logged in to my game using my King account, and not a Facebook user.Please tell me how to get my hard-earned progress back. Thank you
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Oh No! Have you lost your current level on Alphabetty Saga? 😢
Don't worry! How about you tried these steps of How to get your game progress back on Apple device - King Account Connected :
-Disconnect the game from King Account
-Turn off the device and wait about 30 seconds
-Turn on the device again
-Open Safari and log in to your King Account
-Open the game and reconnect it to King Account
I hope this helps. 😊
If it's still not worked, you can click on "Contact Us" then you ask a problem and send Game ID (How to find your Game User ID on mobile check here) that I hope they will help you but it taken longer.
Have a mice day! 🐁
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