Free shuffle booster in Alphabetty Saga
Shouldn't the point of the shuffle booster be that you can use it to shuffle the letters at a time OTHER THAN the automatic shuffle option you get every six moves or so? It seems if you have a free shuffle booster, then you can only use it to shuffle and you get no automatic shuffle options. I played about twelve moves with no shuffle and was forced to use the free one instead of saving it You should receive your automatic shuffle options AND keep the ability to shuffle using the booster as well at an alternate time perhaps late in the game or something. Yes, I realize that sadly no effort is being put into this game right now (an actual intelligent game versus mindlessly matching candies.) Perhaps if the powers that be ever do new levels, they can improve the boosters.
hi @Charly-4
I agree with you 100%. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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The current booster is rarely convenient to use. ... unless you can accumulate several ...
or ... when going for 3 stars on a level where you are restarting a level often until the gold tiles form a large score for a word
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it is most valuable when it is used on the first move which allows the regular progression of other shuffles
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