Why does my alphabetty saga keep freezing.I cant play the game
hi @weemamie
welcome to the community
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many king.com games have had loading issues for a few days
the freezing might be related to the loading issues ... my guess is that freezing is not related to the king.com issues
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for now, lets hope that it fixes itself soon
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if it is still failing on Monday we can ask for help from Europe ... @Crazy Cat Lad
please report here if it fixes itself
we could uses a few more details if it does not fix itself:
- please provide your User ID ... how to find you user ID(open in a new tab or a new window)
- are you playing through facebook? ... or are you playing through king.com?
- how often does it freeze?
- does it freeze when loading? ... or ... does it freeze during the game?
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if your device uses a wireless router you may want to turn off the router ... wait about a minute and then restart the router
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