No Access to Gold Bars
hi @SavvyCat
welcome to the community
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am sorry to hear you are unable to use your gold bars
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to access your account ... and he will available next Tuesday
please provide your user ID
ABS ... find the User ID ... ---> here
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I only have 10, but I only needed 9 to complete a game with three stars.
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thank you for the user ID
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it looks like there might be a problem with your account ... I was able to use 9 bars to get 5 moves at the end of a game
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hi @SavvyCat
@Crazy Cat Lad sent me a message
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customer support handles issues with gold bars
- email Player Support so they can check what goes wrong when gold bars are used
- choose "Purchases & Gold Bars" as the subtopic when emailing customer support
- the first reply from customer support is an automatic reply
- please answer the automatic reply to get a reply from an agent
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I have not been able to buy any gold bars for weeks now so can you please tell me why
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Help me to buy gold
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There was a notice a while ago that you wouldn't be able to buy anything. My problem was I wasn't able to use what I had already bought. They fixed that. I have one gold bar left unused. I'd give it to you if I could! ;)
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hi @Bigass
welcome to the community
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unfortunately, we are no longer able to purchase gold bars
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here is part of the announcement made on Oct 22 2021
"It’s with a heavy heart that we inform you that on the 15th of December 2021, we will terminate the service for AlphaBetty Saga. On that date the servers will be taken down and the game will no longer be playable.
As of 30th October 2021, in-app purchases will be disabled. Gold Bars, Boosters and other items purchased previously will still be usable until the end of service."
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the announcement is ---> here
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