My Alphabetty Friends
hi @Onaroll99
most often when the friends list is empty the facebook login has failed
this is usually a temporary condition which usually clears up within a day
restart ABS every hour or so and let us know if it starts working
you may have a new problem that showed up recently
if you were losing one or two friends at a time you may have the new problem
facebook will still show your friends ... but ABS does not show every friend
I am seeing this on a PC and on a tablet
usually facebook problems clear up on their own
this one has not fixed itself ... yet ... it has been at least 2 weeks
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Hi @Onaroll99 and welcome to our Community!
Have you tried disconnecting Facebook from the game and then reconnect?
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I have a very similar problem, I have NO friends. Yes, I play through facebook, and no, I cannot log out and log back in because facebook doesnt even recognise my email address. I am quite tired of it. I would love some friends... really.. I would love them..
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hi @Colleen59
ouch ... let's hope that @Crazy Cat Lad can resolve your email address problem
he is able to access ABS accounts ... and is available weekdays from Spain
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
How about you have clicked on "friends list" on King Games's Facebook Notification? (if you haven't clicked it yet) 🤔
Here is that link then you can skip to like my upper one here 👆 :
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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@Colleen59 What error message do you get when you try logging out and logging in?
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I am having similar symptoms. No friends at any new level above 600. I play on android tablet. No facebook.
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
If you click on to King.Com Account from PC, then you log in and open the game, you'll see the following message on the left side:
That means if you have your friend's email, you can add your friend's email then you can see your friends are added on any King's game. 😊
I hope this helps! 😉
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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