Still Cannot Connect to Store

Level 1
I have tried all suggestions from rebooting and updating, but I am still getting the message Connection Lost- Failed to Contact Store. I did change laptops and even on my old one, I am still not able to access as I thought it may be saved on old system. I have no problems with any of the other King games and clearly I am not losing my internet connection as I am even trying to buy in game and after game. How might I get this reset? I play through Facebook and none of my settings have changed with purchases since changing computer and as noted...everything else works but this game. Please let me know what I can do to get assistance.
Best Answers
廾𝗂 @michellewall68, welcome to the Community!
Make sure that both your Game & device you are using to play are updated to their latest version.
🔻 If after updating your Game & your device the issue remains, follow these steps ↓↓↓
- Remove the payment details on your Account if you have any saved already.
- Then, clear the cache and cookies on your browser.
- After this, add your payment details again.
- Finally, open the Game & try to make a purchase.
🔻 If after you've updated your Game & reentered your payment info the issue remains, follow these steps ↓↓↓
- Make sure that you have enough free memory on your device (at least 2GB free).
- Force close all Apps & restart your device. Leave device switched off for at least 10 seconds before turning it back on.
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廾𝗂 there again @michellewall68!
1️⃣ Some updated info on the matter of not being able to connect to the Store.
- Facebook recently made a change to its platform & this means that you might experience issues when sending/receiving Lives and/or messages from Friends as well as with connection & avatars. King is aware of this issue & is working to fix it as quickly as possible.
- A few Players have reported that the connection problem is sometimes solved by turning off your internet connection for about 5 minutes without closing the Game & activating it back again after that.
2️⃣ To be sure you are playing the newest content, you need to update the Game via your App Store.
- You can manually check if you have the latest version of the Game by visiting your App Store & seeing if the button next to your Game App shows 'Update'.
廾𝗂 @michellewall68, welcome to the Community!
Make sure that both your Game & device you are using to play are updated to their latest version.
🔻 If after updating your Game & your device the issue remains, follow these steps ↓↓↓
- Remove the payment details on your Account if you have any saved already.
- Then, clear the cache and cookies on your browser.
- After this, add your payment details again.
- Finally, open the Game & try to make a purchase.
🔻 If after you've updated your Game & reentered your payment info the issue remains, follow these steps ↓↓↓
- Make sure that you have enough free memory on your device (at least 2GB free).
- Force close all Apps & restart your device. Leave device switched off for at least 10 seconds before turning it back on.
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Thank you for some ideas.... just as a follow up question.... I am not sure how I would update things anything further than what is on my laptop through Facebook.. I have never played on my phone, so no update needed there either. When suggesting clearing out my payment method, I am curious why it works on the three other games I play and not this one? I guess I will give it a go on my Facebook account but concerned that this may all not be the solution since it works on other. It's a new computer and i will clear my cache, but from day one, this has not worked. I will let you know how it goes when it is not after 1am in the morning trying to deal with this. Thanks again.
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廾𝗂 there again @michellewall68!
1️⃣ Some updated info on the matter of not being able to connect to the Store.
- Facebook recently made a change to its platform & this means that you might experience issues when sending/receiving Lives and/or messages from Friends as well as with connection & avatars. King is aware of this issue & is working to fix it as quickly as possible.
- A few Players have reported that the connection problem is sometimes solved by turning off your internet connection for about 5 minutes without closing the Game & activating it back again after that.
2️⃣ To be sure you are playing the newest content, you need to update the Game via your App Store.
- You can manually check if you have the latest version of the Game by visiting your App Store & seeing if the button next to your Game App shows 'Update'.
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Hi there @michellewall68 and good day to you.
I hope you have also tried writing to Facebook support/help center to report on the issue.
Thank you and hope this can be fixed for you soon.😊
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Great idea to write Facebook....nothing seems to be helping on the other tips. I'm happy to report I've been clearing levels and haven't needed a booster, but a few times it would have been nice! One move away and no way to add a play gets a little frustrating, but I am getting through. I will let you know how that turns out. Appreciate the suggestion.
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Hi @michellewall68 !
The purchases on Facebook have been disabled. Please find more info on this here:
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