Looking for #1 team
I also have 8 race tickets ready to use
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U can join my team , I'm at rank 3 atm but we can get 1st place easily!!!
My team's name is :90's Crash Team #719285875
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Here is my clan .
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Sorry but my clan is almost at 50k trophies and we have TWO spots open. I am the creator/leader for Brazy Bandicoots, currently holding the number one position (well, that’s what it says) and we NEED active runners! Lemme know if you’re interested
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Need active players here too, currently 5 for this server/leaderboard
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Hey striker! GREAPER here again, informing you we have past 50k trophies and we need players! Last chance for an invite, here’s an updated picture if you’re interested one last time :)
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Hi! Thank you for the invite, but I already found me a team. Wish you good luck getting the #1 :)
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Thank you! Same for ya, we just got past 65k and we are definitely in the lead of everybody in my server! If you’re ever needing a clan you’re more than welcome to let me know!
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