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New record! Join up, plenty of space.
Posts: 12
Level 2
00^^Zeros not OOs
Just beat that by 1 minute
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Hhhhhi look at my ππ»
1 -
go Morning π€£πππ»
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As you can see here though, my time beats yours, and your points beat mine. So that means you died yeah? Just saying, these are posts only of single attempts. Not restarts haha.
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Check out my score I got over 843 Trophy points and kept running for around 27 Minutes.
- All Categories
- 177 General
- 415 Conversations Migration (to be deleted?)
- 8.1K Community Hub
- 25K Mod Corner
- 5.6K Bubble Witch Saga
- 625 Bubble Witch 2
- 1.7K Blossom Blast Saga
- 124.5K Candy Crush Saga
- 11.3K Candy Crush Friends Saga
- 6.1K Candy Crush Jelly Saga
- 29.6K Candy Crush Soda Saga
- 1.6K Diamond Diaries Saga
- 10.3K Farm Heroes Saga
- 1.7K Farm Heroes Super Saga
- 8.2K Pet Rescue Saga
- 1.8K Pyramid Solitaire Saga
- 2.2K AlphaBetty Saga