If you need a guild, join BandicootTeamRU
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** Edited by CM - Unsupported Language **
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@W35Gamer, @Vov4ikFX, @venkygaming, @Duintal, @AnonymousBandilover, @Akfula, @CanòNymous237, @suqd, @Aschi, @DeepshikhaSharan, @siti_payung, @Peti321, @Anonyme076, @Mohamed77Ahmad, @Abrium, @CanòNymous237, @Ashraf, @weejelek, @Raja123_King, @tano25, @FatesEdge420, @Sectvi, @ROCKYRALLYXD397, @Arikadowl, @Sechez, @crashy_girl ,@12173422847, @Reilayne92, @MANT16ER, @Denyae0203, @Cocotteb, @ROCKYRALLYXD397
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Unfortunately, "as in Community Guidelines" this community is only support English language at the moment for everyone to communicate and understand better. Please come back and post your comment again in English through this link.
Thank you for understanding... Looking forward to seeing you again in the Community!
See you in Wumpa Island... 🍇
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Woah @MightyWolf and thank you for inviting to join your guild @Vov4ikFX
Is there any Malaysian Guild?
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@siti_payung Assalamualaikum, hello my chicken created by me (from east Malaysia)
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It's russian guild, I am from ukraine, my friend from russia lost crash points and say wait to global launch and I search power people in power team🔥💎
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waalaikumsalam..let me check it out
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