Looking for Team Recruits: Island N'Sanity
@Torment , I have a spot for you bro, as long as your active! Join up when you can, if you gotta wait 2 days before you can join, no worries! 'Preciate the help from everybody! Lesss Goooooo
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1st place bay beeee
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Looking for new members to join c$s bandicoots46. I am ranked at 14 looking to get in the top 10 and above. Have 3 now need more friends to join.
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You could just join Island N'Sanity @scraigj45 and put yourself at #1
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Bring your 3 friends too
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@Torment @captain_swag42 @Fearlof89
lemme know when ya'll joining, just to be sure I got space when you do. I don't know why the search isn't coming up when ya'll try finding my team
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When I do come I only bring 2 with me and the second on my team is my wife. I am ranked at #9 now have close to 7000 trophies wife brings in close to 3k. I built this up with her. Can I transfer trophies.
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Sounds good @scraigj45, I'll make sure there is room for you guys
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Are you on another server or are you full at the moment? Haven't been able to find you.
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I been have problems trying to find people to. I searched for my team and couldn't find it. C&S bandicoots46
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