Looking for Team Recruits: Island N'Sanity
Hello Guys ! I'm looking for Help!
If U want that's my team : Ripe Apples
For now we are 7 Guys and we are 4 on ranking But Il think that can we win the First Place if U are Active Players ! Gl Hf and thanx for time!
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Weird, @scraigj45, I can see your team. I'm not sure why it won't let you see my team @captain_swag42 , I have 5 slots open and it's been like that for 2 days
I'll still leave spots open for ya'll, still have inactive players cycling through
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C&S Bandicoots46
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Can you Spell it here? Maybe i am misspelling it.
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Island N'Sanity it's with an apostrophe after the N and the i, n, and s are capitalized
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Hmmm still can't find you. Maybe youre on a different server or something.
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Maybe you got shadowbanned?
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Found you. Keep a spot open. It will take 2 days
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I had to type in partial words to find you. Save a spat for me.
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