(Chile-LA) The team Sacred Isoodons needs you join!
Heeey guys, how are you? i am the team leader of Sacred Isoodons Chile and i am recruiting active members from Latin America or other countries so that together we can reach first place!, we are currently in fourth place with 43k of trophies, but with together and your help we will reach the top!!!!
Holaaa amigos, como estan? soy el lider del equipo Sacred Isoodons Chile y estoy reclutando gente activa de latinoamerica y otros paises para que juntos podamos llegar al primer lugar!, actualmente estamos en cuarto lugar con 43k de trofeos, pero juntos y con tu ayuda llegaremos a la cima!!!!
Lenguage: Spanish and English
Dont wait longer and join our family ;)
P.S: We communicate mainly in spanish, but if you speak english feel free to join since i understand the language (not perfectly)
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New Update #1: We are currently in position 3 with a projection to go up to 2, remember if you need a team with an active leader to reach the top of the table, do not think twice and join 😁😁
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New Update #2: I continue to recruit people for this season and the next, we are currently in 3rd place with the objetive of reaching 2nd in the remainder of the season, if you are an active and competitive player join us 😁😉.
remember, i communicate mainly in Spanish but if you communicate in English i understand you anyway
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New Update #3: We came to second place 😁😁, a special thank you to all of our most active members who made this a reality.
Remember if you are a competitive and active person, join our clan, here i wait for you 😉😉
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Yo.quisiera estar en su equipo
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Last Update #4: Unexpectedly my team managed to reach first place 🤔😃 thanks to all our members who contributed to make this a reality, i have nothing left but to thank everyone 😁😁
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- S2 New update #1: Hi buddys, i am the leader of the team called Sacred Isoodons and i am recruiting active and competitive members to be the best 😃, i currently have 5 slots available, so if you consider yourself active and competitive enough, send me a pm or write on the post to make a space and you can join 😎.
I communicate mainly in English and Spanish, but if you speak another language, dont worry, I will use the translator, here i hope you 😁😁
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