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Top 1 player in league looking for team
Join the COTR Community! We're all trying to create a team composed of active community members and also in the game! Please consider joining us! Thanks.
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Awesome @kileros11 I have just set up COTR Community team for forum members here on king page. We will be hyperactive i myself had over 50k trophies last season and have got tickets and steps saved up for next season all of our members are friendly and competitive π so if youβd like to join youβre welcome
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OK i think i will join your guild. I try convince other top players in our guild to join you. Remember when we leave our guild we must wait 48 untill join another, will you wait 2 days and hold 5 slots for us?
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Ok i left my guild after 48h i will join you
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Awesome @kileros11 happy to have you aboard! And look forward to next season π
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Try to join already as I've just left a team and joined this immediately. Last season I was able to do it too despite de 48 hours notice.
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Join TrophyNetwork. I just started this clan I was a number 1 player last season and I got +40,000 and carried my clan to 1st
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