Looking for a team for the upcoming season
Hey there!
I'm looking to join an active team for the next season. ๐
Our team got second the last season and sadly there weren't other hyperactive players like me.
Since I play on iOS and I think there is no cross-platform in this game, I'm looking for an iOS team (if I'm wrong please correct me).
Join mine mate! I carried the previous team I was in to 1st place and then left to create my own teamim recruiting active players! (Currently have none)
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Whatโs the name of your team? ๐
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I got 27th on my own and lost over 200k steps to the bug. I made the team Randy Crush Saga and I'm looking for some legends to rock the tournament next round.
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join my team
I won last season 1st place and left to create my own team
atm we r 2 members with 5k trophies and the season not started yet
minimum 5k per week and total 20k trophies by the end of the season
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Join TrophyNetwork weโre number 1
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