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Looking For A Team!
Hi all! I’m looking for a new team for this upcoming season. I’m an active player and was previously in a team that won 1st place in The Return of Nitros Oxide season, and managed 8th in the most recent season. Both times I was the highest earner and in this most recent season, I was literally the only one playing - hence why I need a new team, lol. Both seasons I surpassed 25k trophies.
If you’re an active team in need of a new member, I hope you’ll consider me!
You could join the Bandicooting Team 💕
I really don’t know how it goes but we did win the #1 spot for the last season (I suppose there’s several subtiers of teams so there are many final winning teams) I’m also new to COTR but used to play Crash Bandicoot ages ago in PS.
Here’s a picture of our final position just this past Monday. Feel free to take a look at and consider joining us! We’d be honored to have you! 🥰
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You are welcome at CrashMasterss
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Thank you for the invite, @Bandicooting! I joined your team and I’m looking forward to a great season!
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