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Team CodeName needs your help!

Posts: 33
Level 3
Hey there, fellow Bandicoots!
We're looking to have active Members for our team called CodeName
We came 1st in Season 1 and Season 2.
Our condition:
Contribute 900 trophies per day and have fun!
If you are a newbie, 500 trophies a day will suffice but hitting 900 is recommended.
Collecting more trophies will get our goal of team CodeName 1st prize ☺️
If you're interested, please PM me!
Reminder: when leaving your old team, there is a 48 hour cooldown and you will have to wait for the timer to count down before joining any team, and in this case, our team 😉
We're neck and neck with the 2nd team and we are hoping to play with you, good luck and stay safe!
Edit: if 900 trophies is too overwhelming, you can do 6250 per week!
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